1. The Internet of Me. This means that our world will be personalized. Everyday objects are going online, creating an abundance of digital channels that reach deep into our lives. Forward-thinking businesses are changing the ways they build new applications, products, and services to engage customers without breaching the customers’ trust.
2. Outcome economy. Intelligent hardware will bridge the digital enterprise and the physical world. As the physical world picks up sensors of all kinds, products will become more meaningful in the results they produce for people. This is no longer about selling things, but selling results in the outcome economy..
3. Platform (R)evolution. Platform-based companies are capturing more of the digital economy’s opportunities for growth and profits. The cloud and mobility are eroding the tech and cost barriers associated with such platforms.
4. Intelligent enterprise. Tech will enable people to make faster decisions. With an influx of big data, software intelligence will make it easier for machines to make better informed decisions.
5. Workforce re-imagined. Machines and humans have to be amplified to do more together. Advances in natural interfaces, wearable devices, and smart machines will present new chances for companies to empower their workers through technology.
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